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music composer

Manuel Comesaña's music has a voice of its own and a great appealing
 Manuel Comesaña,  achieves an exceptional result from classical and jazz music
 ABC Madrid
 We can assure you that the music of Manuel Comesaña has yet to be discovered

 Comesaña,  an innovative composer far removed from any stereotype

 Ideal de Granada

I was born in Vigo in 1959 and my first guitar was broken by my cousin Julito in my head when I was 6 years old. This was not enough reason to truncate my musical vocation and at the age of 10, I was part of a chaotic rondalla and a choir of angelic voices.


At 14 I was in Madrid and my interest in music and the Rolling Stones was growing, so I got an electric one that imitated my idols and made my neighbors nervous.


The 18's and Yes, Genesis, King Crimson, Mahavishnu and jazz were a very important part of my life... also the guitar and harmony lessons, which I combine with friends and parties at the Faculty of Geology where, I don't know why, they gave me a degree that I used just enough to earn some money and get me a small recording team.

And suddenly something unexpected happened: my friend Pepe bought himself an ATARI!! Midi protocol was born. I got my hands on that machine, a "synth", a drum machine and a sampler that sowed "ooohs" and "aaahs" in the studios of TVE in Prado del Rey, where I began to work on the music for the program "Los mundos de Yupi".


Afterwards, there were many short films, cartoons, medleys and songs for record companies; lame and not so lame advertising, tune and bumpers for TVE, Canal +, Tele 5, Canal 9 and a few other works that helped me to improve my team and learn the noble craft of composition on demand.


Already in 2001 I partnered with Maria Victoria Montalvo (former director of strategic marketing at Sony Music and Universal and, in addition, my wife) to set up Agmúsica, a producer of musical content of all kinds: the first tones that were played on mobile phones (Amena, Movistar, Vodafone, Orange...), luxury versions for a karaoke of Bizak, an album for Imaginarium... without ever leaving the audiovisuals.


In 2007, when the crisis had not yet shown its wildest side, we decided to "invest" in the production of an album made up of the songs I composed between commissions. A whim. 18 excellent musicians, four studios, mastering at Sterling Sound in New York.... Thus was born "el baile de los vencejos" ("The dance of the swits"). A before and an after.


A lot of music since then. A lot of work. New projects, like the children's musical "Today is my birthday!" with which we inaugurate our theatrical adventure, which will continue shortly.

Until 2017. "Portrait of my mother" for cello and piano, won first prize in the Franz Liszt Foundation Composition Competition and premiered in Turin (Italy). Miguel Baselga premieres "cinco cuentos lidios" ("five lydian tales") at the Cibeles Palace in Madrid and then records "Cinco cuentos lidios", my new CD which was presented on November 21st at the Manuel de Falla Hall in Sgae.

And I'm still working...

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